Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Is My Year

I have put HAVING A BABY on my resolutions list every year for the past 3 years. Every year at the mark of the next I am always disappointed.

How can I really put having a baby down as a goal for the year. We all know that it has nothing to do with us. Truly it doesn't. I mean, we need to take care of our bodies. We need to get the timing down for the deposit to the egg. We need to take the drugs that make us better. But can we really plan for a baby?

I have friends who have. They are the lucky ones.

But people like me, it just doesn't work that way. I can't make it a goal but I can make it a prayer. It is so a God thing now!

I have a month and a handful of days before I can begin trying again. There is fear there. I will not let it take hold of me though.

This is my year. 2006 is for me. It won't be about what I can't have but what I can have. It won't be consumed of wishes but will be full of strength.

I would give anything to have my miracle this year but I am not going to let it rule me. I am going to live life to the fullest, growing, moving, touching the lives of others.

Anyone want to join me?

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