Sunday, September 17, 2006

Things My

Mother in Law has said.

"You might want to lose a little weight before you get pregnant again. You dont' want to start off fat."

"My d&c didn't hurt me." (Her's was for menopause reasons.)

After I shared my heart about letting people see God's strength she talked to us about repentence and then said, "That is my sermon for today." What does that mean? It is because of our sins?

And the best yet...

"You know after you have one miscarriage you are more likely to have 1, 2 or even three. I just want you to be prepared when you have your next one."

You just got to love her!


Iris said...

ughhh...that is all I have to say...besides: aslkdjfalksdjflkasdfj

Curly said...

Geez! All of the other stuff was really stupid too, but does she actually think your are fat? Please. Mothers-in-law seem to have the unique ability to make us feel really really awful. I'm sorry. Do you want me to egg her house?

hotlipz said...

She sounds lovely

Sheryl said...

Oh don't you just love Mothers-in-law! Mine ALWAYS was the first to say the wrong things and she never saw anything wrong with it. She drives me crazy. Hang in there Sunny and just ignore her!

Alli and Frankie said...

WTH?!?!?! I would DIE if anyone (let alone my MIL) told me to lose weight. That is completely inappropriate!!

Have you read DD's M.I.L.D.E.W. blog? Oh - you could contribute to that one!!! LOL.

Amber said...

Let this be a lesson to us all on how not to treat your child's spouse - or even how not to treat your very worst enemy... I've got one too - my heart goes out to you ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh bring it on, I so love MIL!!

GLouise said...

What an awful woman!!!!!

Jo said...

How charming.